
Zebra Pictures

zebra pictures Size and weight
The common plains zebra is about 50-52 inches (12.2 to 13 hands, 1.3 m) at the shoulder with a body ranging from 6 to 8.5 ft (2 to 2.6 m) long ( 0.5 m) of 18 inches from the queue. It can weigh up to 770 pounds (350 kg), males are slightly larger than females. Grevy's Zebra is considerably larger, while the mountain zebra is somewhat smaller.
Stripes zebra pictures
It was previously believed that zebras were white animals with black stripes, since some zebras have white belly. Embryological evidence, however, shows that the background color of the animal stripes and black and white bellies are additions.  It is likely that the scratches are caused by a combination of factors. 
The bands are usually vertical on the head, neck, forequarters, and main body, with horizontal stripes in the back and legs of the animal. The "zebra crossing" is the name of black and white zebra stripes.zebra pictures
It has been proposed various hypotheses to account for the evolution of striking stripes of zebras. The most traditional of them (1 and 2 below) relate to camouflage.
1. The vertical segmentation can help the zebra hide in grass to disrupt its outline. In addition, even at moderate distances, the striking striping merges to an apparent gray.zebra pictures
Two. The stripes may help to confuse predators movement glare of a group of zebras standing or moving together may appear as a mass of flashing strips, making it more difficult for the lion to pick a target.
Three. The bands can be used as visual cues and identification.  Although the interlacing pattern is unique to each individual,zebra pictures it is not known whether zebras can recognize one another by their stripes.

Zebra in Ngorongoro: your employer may reduce its appeal to large biting flies.
April. Experiments carried out by various researchers indicate that the stripes are less effective in attracting flies,zebra pictures as tsetse blood-sucking tabanids.  An experiment in 2012, Hungary has shown that zebra striped patterns were almost minimally attractive to tabanids horseflies. zebra pictures These flies are attracted by the linearly polarized light,zebra pictures and the study showed that black and white striped pattern interrupt attractive. In addition, the attractiveness increases with bandwidth, so relatively narrow bands of the three living species of zebras should be unattractive to flies.zebra pictures
Like horses,zebra pictures zebras walk, trot, and canter. They are generally slower than horses but their great help to overcome resistance to predators. When chased, a zebra will zig-zag from side to side, making it more difficult for the predator. When cornered, the zebra will rise up and kick or bite its attacker.
Sense zebra pictures
Zebras have  excellent eyesight. Is supposed to be seen in color. [Citation needed] Like most ungulates, the zebra has its eyes on the sides of your head, giving you a wide field of vision. Zebras also have night vision, although not as advanced as most predators.
Zebras have excellent hearing, and tend to have large, round the horses ears. Like horses and other ungulates, zebra can turn their ears in almost any direction.zebra pictures In addition to vision and hearing, zebras have an acute sense of smell and taste.
zebra pictures

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